Yes. It adheres to the WAI-ARIA design pattern.

Our Events

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Past Events

an open red and white carnival tent with details about ICS fair inside

Hack at UCI at ICS Fair test

two owls on a branch with the words HackNights Competition above

HackNights Competition

a concert stage with a cloud shaped character presenting

Head in the Cloud: Intro to AWS CDK Workshop

a cloud shaped character holding a cloud with the aws logo

Head in the Cloud: Intro to AWS Services

a spotlight shining onto 5 podiums with photos of our presenters

Hack at UCI Organizer Panel

an art gallery with a large projector screen in the center that says HackUCI surrounded with anteater renditions of classic paintings

HackUCI 2023

a computer screen with a magnifying glass looking at lines of code

Hacking 101: Intro to Webscraping Workshopi

a react logo with particles flying away, overlayed with event details

Hacking 101: Intro to React Workshop